Prior to Work:

Before I start writing chapter to chapter (and start reading like a madman), I continue to have insights and possible theories. I would like to briefly address one particular idea regarding forces.

The below considerations adhere to a force similar to vertical thrust, such as that of a rocket or jet thrusters of a VTOL aircraft.

Forces are the result of a warped geometry imposed on the fabric of space/time by a spinning field.

Forces are cones of warped space/time, that spiral out from a single point, forming a field that moves through space/time.

These cones are formed on Earth due to the already warped space/time geometry due to Earth's gravity field. This kind of force is directional in nature due to its thrusting effect (an explosion would still expand force in all directions but be constricted and effected by gravity).

Further, one could think of these cones as mini blackholes that form the conic jets of force (just as full scale blackholes have similar energenic jets of matter) by absorbing and redirecting matter into energy (or most likely on a quantum level converting energy into matter).

The most concentrated effect "felt" by the force would be a perpendicular line extending from the center point that the cone extends from.

Forces may also be toroids in higher dimensions that have a dynamic motion to them, either a spin or a simple expansion. The resulting effect on the lower dimension would be an outward expanding cone of force (or some other lower dimensional topological structure - they form cones on Earth due to the gravity as stated above).

Working with higher dimenional structures is tricky as any motion experienced on the lower dimension could be the result of the existential prescence of the higher dimensional object. For example, a hypersphere passing through a common area of 3-dimensional space would be experienced on the 3rd physical dimension as a dynamic sphere, one that expands and then collapses as the hypersphere passes by. Lower ordered aspects of any dimensional object relate to the lower dimensional structure: in this case let's look at the hypersphere again. The surface of a hypersphere is a sphere as the surface of a sphere is a circular plane. There are other correlations like this. Intersecting objects are lower dimensional. Just as a sphere can be intersected (and thought of as a construction of) by a circular plane, a hypersphere is intersected by a sphere. Further any motion by a higher dimensional object is experienced on the lower dimension in a higher order (i.e. a constant expanding circle in a higher dimension, say the 4th physical, would result in an accelerated expanding sphere in the lower, in this case the 3rd physical).

The main foundation of this theory is that all forces are based on a geometry or topology imposed on space/time. This geometry is a result of a dynamic field (one that is in motion, most likely accelerated). This idea is born from Newton's bucket of water thought experiment (introduced to me by Brian Greene in his book, "Fabric of the Cosmos" - see references list), in which a spinning bucket of water forms a warped concave surface on the water. This is a result of the force imposed on the surface of the water due to the accelerated motion of the body of water relative to what Newton called "absolute space". I am attempting to apply this same thinking to all forces. In place of the body of water we have space/time; and the concave surface area due to the accelerated motion is now a dynamic field imposing a warping effect on the "surface" of space/time. This all occurs on a higher dimenion (perhaps) and the resulting topology generates the force we experience. Proof of such a theory would lie in working out the math that could stand in place of the explainations of forces that we already have. If a correlation between the geometry of such a "cone of force" and the physical effects of said force (f=ma) is present, then my theory should "hold water".


Lesson Plan:

Below I have posted a crude layout of what I will be discussing. I've tried to break it down into 3 main sections that take the reader from a realm of realism to one that is more abstract, ending with inquiries into religion and even mysticism. Throughout the discussion I will remain steadfast on the standpoint of physicalism and platonic realism. As this is an attempt at arriving at an abstract conceptual conclusion yet starting from concrete roots (including as much if not all scientific evidence and well-founded theory to date), I hope to lead the reader through a journey of the vast complexity and near-infinite potential of the human mind.

Introduction: True Synthesis - Where Science & Metaphysics Have Crossed Paths
Part 1: Hyperspace & Heaven - Above & Beyond our Known Physical Dimensions

Popular Physics - The Dimensions of Space & Time
Above Physics - The Higher Spatial Dimensions: From 4th to 11th to Nth
Beyond Physics - The Dimension of Causality & the Multiverse
Part 2: Archaic Revival & the Eternal Recurrence of the Same - Patterns & Loops in Causality
Part 3: Goddess Rebirth & the Resurrection of the Gnostic Christ - The Role of Human Consciousness & Perception as Symbolic Representationalism within the Subjective & Objective Realities


Foundation of Thought:

All forces are inherently based on some geometry or topology (either algebraic or combinatorial).

Mathematics is a functional and causally relational language that defines and describes structures, patterns, and correlations found within geometric and topological surfaces and objects, and like all language is a product of the conscious human mind. Needless to say, this does not discredit the assertion of platonic realism and physicalism about the "real" world. Even though the language of mathematics is a construction, its purpose remains one of definition of real structures that exist independent of the human mind. The conscious human minds (representations of the physical brains of humans) exist within the complex geometric structure of which mathematics was designed to describe, and hence act as an objective observer of one's surroundings.

The peculiarities and oddities found in mathematics (as well as the elegant patterns and structures such as fractal geometry found in countless examples within nature), such as paradoxes and incongruities and infinities, are evidence of the exceedingly high level of comprehension and intricacy of which the geometric nature of reality is so designed. In our quest to better understand the reality around us in which we find ourselves, mathematics has developed a large number of "areas of study" (or intellectual interest) which has propagated in the diverse number of sub-categories of study, such as arithmetic, algebra, calculus, and of course geometry.

I would argue that all categories of mathematics (and the language of math itself) are an attempt at defining and describing what I believe to be the unifying real constant of this physical existence: geometry/topology.

All math, all physical forces, all causal interactions, all temporal events are interpretations of a timeless, infinite, boundless "super" structure that could be thought of as God. When defined according to set theory, this structure takes on a simplistic elegance, and aspects such as self-reflection and cardinality easily arise. These aspects of this structure inevitably recur throughout nature and time and can be observed in all aspects of mathematics and science.

It is important to maintain that mathematics should be thought of as a temporal/causal language as it not only defines relations between sub-parts of the God-structure, but in some cases requires a maintenance of mathematical laws such as communicative and associative (which could be thought of as requiring a temporal order to them so as to maintain the integrity of sequential events [i.e. 2 + 2 = 4 could be thought of as both a mathematical event in time and an ontological truth about space]).

To this end, I feel it is geometry/topology, which can be reduced to set theory, that represents the existence of the unifying real constant of reality. Further, in studies such as physics, one should keep focus on the truth that all physical forces are based on some geometry/topology of space/time.

The subjective existence of reality is the only aspect that one has exclusive access to, and therefore may be the basis upon which objective models of reality are constructed.

All perceptions are constructs of symbolic relations and are mental representations (associated and linked to specific physical brain states) of models of physical external (or sensory) data. For example, the perception of an apple is comprised of the collection of physical data points that trigger specific brain states that are related to the phenomenal construction of the spatial model (or image) of the apple in our "mind's eye" combined with our symbolic understanding of qualitative traits of the apple (i.e. the concept of size, shape, color, texture, etc.) Our mind extrapolates the "apple" by combining these quantitative and qualitative sets of data. Further, we understand the apple's existence through space and time and any motion the apple undergoes by extrapolating our understanding of causality (i.e. when an apple falls from a tree it travels along a downward vector relative to our position and "realm of influence" [in this case the planet and its atmosphere], in which forces act out according to their particular topologies).

Phenomenal subjective existence (or the conscious experience of reality from the subjective viewpoint) arises from a unique causal interaction among particular physical brain states. The "objective" truth of reality is therefore a convoluted and chaotic collection of data points defining both the quantitative, qualitative, and causally related terms of reality. In other words, reality is true chaos. The human mind's ability to extrapolate an order out of this chaos is the function of human perception. The only objective reality is a mutual reportability amongst most if not all subjective accounts.