Photography (cont.)

Here are the remaining shots of the 2nd series as well as the time lapse series. For the time lapse I picked a single location for the "subject" and shot an entire roll of film over the course of a few hours. The time differential between exposures was around 5 mins. as the sun rose behind me and broke the fog over the pond (I have the exact time of each exposure recorded in a notebook that I don't have handy right now - perhaps in the future I'll post the entire series with time of exposure, f-stop, and shutter speed)

"Fog Lapse" Series -


Change of Pace -

I've been inspired to put some of my photography up. I don't own a digital camera, all I have is my 35mm Nikon FM10 (of which I'm quite fond). So, I've scanned some glossy prints that I took about two years ago.

The first set of prints are from 10/31/2004 and one of the many cementeries in Warwick, NY. Its not easy shooting in a cementery, but I was rather happy with the results. I have a thing for angels, and had taken a few other shots of tomb markers, but they didn't come out as well as these.

The second set of prints are from Long Pond Ironworks (10/17/2004) located in West Milford, NJ.

The third set of prints are from the same body of water, and are my attempt at exploring time displacement.

There are a couple random shots to finish things up.


I'm having difficulties uploading the remaining images - All 5 images of the 1st series are posted here, along with 2 images of the 2nd series. The rest of the 2nd series, and the 3rd will be in the next posts.


For all those who actually read this... I apologize for not posting in a long time. I've been preparing for graduate school and all my attention has been focused towards that end (such as preparing for the GREs). However, I will be posting all my work during the application process and after I've been accepted, such as papers that I will be using for my portfolio and towards my doctorate.

I've decided on writing a philosophical commentary paper comparing Leibniz's Monadology and contemporary String Theory in an attempt at drawing correlations between Leibniz's concept of the "monad" and the theoretical physics concept of the "string". In addition I may highlight other comparrisons between philosophy (in particular, metaphysics) and theoretical physics, such as the concept of "hyperspace" and the possibilities of higher dimensions and alternate, or parallel, universes/realities.

For those interested, feel free to read "Computational Monadology" written by Prof. Eric Steinhart. Many of my ideas and theories are an extension of what I learned from Prof. Steinhart. Use the following link:


In the meantime, get outside, look up, and enjoy the SWAN comet, newly discovered. Look for it in the northeastern sky near Ursa Major (the Big Dipper) before dawn. Regards.

http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html (if read after post date, see the archive for 10/4/6)